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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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bullet Tableta de Daryuss
Sall,mi'am cumparat azi o tableta  odys loox, si as vreau sa stiu unde pot gasi:
1. ROM official
2. ROM(-uri) personalizate
27-06-2012 18:30:54
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Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:34:55
1. Nu se gaseste.

Dai click pe butoanele Go to Downloads-> TEXT ANZEIGEN - apa instructiuni si fisierele.

Ai mai facut vreodata update la android, pe telefon sau tableta ? 
* ComentariuVoturi: 4 Voteaza

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:35:54
Nu gasesti asa ceva.
Singura chestie disponibila e aici: 
* Raspuns acceptatVoturi: 1 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:45:16
va rog frumos, imi puteti da linkul de download ? ca eu nul gasesc 
* Comentariul autorului

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:47:07
Una din acestea 2, este acelasi fisier:

Dar ce faci fara instructiuni ?
Si vezi ca te-am mai intrebat ceva mai sus. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 1 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:55:37
stiu sa instalez
Pot reveni vreodata la rom-ul original daca o sal instalez pe asta care mi lai dat mai sus? 
* Comentariul autorului

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 18:57:23
apropo 2.2 mb? ce rom mai e si asta 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 19:16:41
mai esti? 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
27-06-2012 20:36:39
Nu poti reveni la un rom mai vechi (original sau personalizat) dupa ce ai scris altul.

Fisierul de 2 Mb este doar patch.
Uite aici fisierul complet: 
* ComentariuVoturi: 1 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
28-06-2012 12:16:09
mda. se pare ca nu ma pricep cum se instaleaza pe tablete...
poti sa imi dai nist einstructiuni? 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
28-06-2012 12:21:12
Ti-am dat deja linkul mai sus.
Ti-am spus unde trebuie sa apesi.
Apesi butonul  Go to Downloads-> TEXT ANZEIGEN care apare sub poza cRoms Android 2.3.1 
* ComentariuVoturi: 1 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
28-06-2012 12:39:40
nu gasesc instructiunile...
damile tu, eu cred ca sunt chior... 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
28-06-2012 12:44:31
OK, dar nu o sa intelegi mai nimic, pentru ca aici apar aiurea !!

Ai gasit  poza cRoms Android 2.3.1 ?
Ai gasit butonul Go to Downloads-> TEXT ANZEIGEN de sub poza ??

English ext4 update instructions


Please note that when flashing a new update,
all the files and all installed
applications and programs on the internal memory will get lost!

Please save these on your computer before continuing.

At the time of writing this, the update can only be flashed ext4
via USB with a flash tool - it seems it is not possible to create an update.img for flashing from an external SD card.

If you are on Linux you can use rkflashtool: [TOOL] rkflashtool for Linux and rk2808, RK2818 and rk2918 based tablets - xda-developers

Please read the instructions carefully!

Further scripts are available here: RKSP - Arctablet

If you are on Windows then use the RKAndroidTool.exe with admin rights!

First unzip the update ext4 in a directory of your choice on your computer.

2 Open this directory and then use from this folder. -
RKAndroid_1.29 (ie RKAndroidTool.exe) with admin rights!

3rd Turn off the Loox tablet if necessary.

4th Loox Connect the tablet to the power supply.

5th press the Menu key (M) on the Loox and keep it pressed.

6th Connect the Loox (while holding down the menu button) via a USB cable to the PC.


Be sure to use the "USB PC" port

7th If the tablet is not detected by Loox the PC, hold down the Menu key Loox (M) and press the reset button at the Loox sametime. (Use a short pointed object seeking as a paperclip.)

8th If you flash for the first time, you have to install the drivers at first.

9th Select "No, not this time", and then select "Install from a list or specific location", then open the folder and then update ext3 folder
Usbdriver and select x86 or amd64 for 32bit system for 64bit system and press OK.

10th Sometimes the driver file must be selected manually.

Select "Include this location in Search"
Browse in the same folder as already described. The driver file must be manually selected.

11th click "Next" and then "OK".

12th click "Finish" to complete the driver installation.

The message "The software for the following hardware was installed" Confirms the installation was successful.

13th Now go back to the update tool (RKAndroid 1.29).

"Found RKAndroid USB Loader Rock" should be displayed at the buttom.


If "no. Found RKAndroid Rock USB" is quietly removed, please hold down the menu key (M) pressed and press with the help of a pointed object (tested as a paper clip) the reset button on the Loox.

14th Important!

Click on "Erase IDB" and wait until the procedure terminates.

Then click "Run" to start the update.

15th Wait until the notification area on the right side
displayes "INFO: Run OK".

16th The update was completed successfully and the device restarts.

17 Wait until the machine has rebooted and note the status messages on the device.:

Recovery System v1.3 ........
Formatting DATA: ......
Formatting CACHE: ......
Formatting UDISK: ......
Formatting PAGE CACHE: .....
Reboot system: .....
.. Third
.. Second
.. First

18th Disconnect the USB connection. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 1 Voteaza

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