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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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bullet swchost de radulescurcc
cum scap de swchost
29-06-2010 18:18:56
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Comentariul lui:
29-06-2010 18:23:14
vezi aici 
* ComentariuVoturi: 6 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
29-06-2010 18:23:20
uite asa
Step 1: Use Windows File Search Tool to Find swchost.exe Path

   1. Go to Start > Search > All Files or Folders.
   2. In the "All or part of the the file name" section, type in "swchost.exe" file name(s).
   3. To get better results, select "Look in: Local Hard Drives" or "Look in: My Computer" and then click "Search" button.
   4. When Windows finishes your search, hover over the "In Folder" of "swchost.exe", highlight the file and copy/paste the path into the address bar. Save the file's path on your clipboard because you'll need the file path to delete swchost.exe in the following manual removal steps.

    * Read more about How to Delete swchost.exe with File Search Tool

Step 2: Use Windows Task Manager to Remove swchost.exe Processes

   1. To open the Windows Task Manager, use the combination of CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC.
   2. Click on the "Image Name" button to search for "swchost.exe" process by name.
   3. Select the "swchost.exe" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.

    * Read more about How to kill swchost.exe Processes

Step 3: Detect and Delete Other swchost.exe Files

   1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > cmd and then press the "OK" button.
   2. Type in "dir /A name_of_the_folder" (for example, C:Spyware-folder), which will display the folder's content even the hidden files.
   3. To change directory, type in "cd name_of_the_folder".
   4. Once you have the file you're looking for type in del "name_of_the_file".
   5. To delete a file in folder, type in "del name_of_the_file".
   6. To delete the entire folder, type in "rmdir /S name_of_the_folder".
   7. Select the "swchost.exe" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 6 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
29-06-2010 18:24:38
Asa este cel mai bine, pentru ca nu pornesti Windows, deci virusul este inactiv: 
* ComentariuVoturi: 6 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
02-07-2010 23:20:55
[link in curs de aprobare]
[link in curs de aprobare] 
* ComentariuVoturi: 6 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
26-09-2011 11:55:53

| Nu uita sa acorzi punctele, daca am fost de ajutor. Multumesc anticipat.
| Apare buton "acorda punctele" in dreapta, la 24 de ore dupa intrebare.
* ComentariuVoturi: 5 Voteaza

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